BTD Series


The BTD series of servo motors are designed to provide efficient solutions for applications requiring efficient, compact motors. The extremely small size of these actuators, achieved through the use of advanced materials and technologies, guarantees unprecedented dynamics and operation in low temperatures. The series is equipped with IP65 push-pull connectors (IP67 connectors are optional), complying with EMC requirements, and PTC temperature sensors with reinforced insulation. These motors guarantee a safe electrical connection under normal ambient operating conditions.


Max torque
0.26 Nm … 27Nm

Rated speed
3000, 4500 min-1

Power supply
230, 400 Vac

Low for BTD sizes from 0.26 Nm … to 1 Nm

In accordance with the standards
2006/95/EC (LVD) and 2004/108/EC (EMC)

DC brakes
Optional 24 Vdc



Typ Kr.moment Nm
BTD2 0026 0.26
BTD2 0053 0.53
BTD2 0074 0.74
BTD2 0095 0.95
BTD3 0095 0.95
BTD3 0190 1.90
BTD3 0325 3.25
BTD3 0420 4.20
BTD4 0410 4.10
BTD4 0630 6.30
BTD4 0860 8.60
BDT5 1160 11.60
BTD5 1490 14.90
BTD5 1870 18.70
BTD5 2730 27.30

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